Kill the Noise at Beta Nightclub: April 24

Friday night (April 24, 2015), Kill the Noise performed his set at Beta Nightclub.

I’ve heard great things about Kill the Noise preceding the show from people who have seen him before. Listening to his Kill Kill Kill album as well got me hyped up for the show. Here’s a teaser to check out if you haven’t heard any of the songs from that album yet:

To put things in perspective, Kill the Noise is a part of the record label OWSLA, a label founded by Skrillex. Some of the best Dubstep artists are included on there, so it’s safe to assume that Kill the Noise knows his stuff.

What I thought was cool about the Kill the Noise show was that there was fog that was blasted out to the front section. It was so thick that I wasn’t able to see anyone around me, so it was almost like I was there, dancing to the beats by myself. I also thought the visuals for the show were interesting. Usually in any sort of EDM show, you can find some “trippy” stuff going on on the LED screen. However, for this show, not only did he have his logo transitioning into different colors, but he had some live action shots going on, almost like scenes from a movie. It created a unique experience that I hadn’t felt at any other previous Dubstep show.

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As for the sound, it was a really great performance, but I was a little disappointed. First of all, his build ups were great. They were really exciting and the crowd loved it, myself included. Even better were his drops. I really feel like he shows off his artistic ability through these. So all of his songs in general were great. The one thing that did disappoint me though were his transitions, or should I say, lack there of. I couldn’t believe how the songs could be great, how it would get built up and then have amazing drops, and then all of a sudden…nothing. Then on to the next song. It was strange and I was surprised that someone so highly regarded both in the Dubstep world and the EDM world didn’t utilize transitions!

Besides this minor mishap, I really enjoyed the show and I still think the guy is really talented. He knows how to manipulate different sounds to his liking, knowing exactly what the crowd wants to hear.

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